La Gata Japonesa

La Gata Japonesa arises with the aim of investigating the connection points that could be developed between dance and the circus.
This concern stems from two dancers: Laura Miralbés and Eduardo Martínez (Trained at the María de Ávila Superior Dance Conservatory) and two circus artists: Diego García and Elena Vives (Trained at the Ècole Leotard in Montreal) who met in 2015 at the Sierra Norte de Madrid and decide to start an exchange of knowledge. This exchange led to the creation of the company “La Gata Japonesa” in 2016 and the creation of the show “Lumiéres Foraines” in 2017.
At the same time that this exchange of knowledge was generated, the need to investigate in other languages arose, such as theatrical language, coinciding with the creation of “Lumières Foraines”, which has its pillars in the circus, dance and theater, under the directed by the well-known clown Leandre Ribera.

Company Information

Origin : Madrid
Gender : Theatre-Circus-Humor
Public : Family-Children-All audiences
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Children's Theater
La Gata Japonesa

Funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU
Project financed by INAEM, Ministry of Culture and Sports