15 | June | 2012    by PROVERSUS


La gallina submarina

This beautiful musical tale for children, created by Marina Bollaín, is touring to fantastic acclaim, and is still going, preparing for its next tour after being in Feten 2011, Teatralia 2011 and Titirimundi 2012.

Supported by wonderful illustrations featuring the characters of the tale, Marina Bollaín sings and tells the tale accompanied Pablo Navarro on the guitar, the double bass and percussion.

And what is this tale about? Marcelina the hen lives in a farm with a puddle where ducks, swans and frogs bathe. The hen would love to swim and dive as they do, but everyone tells her that hens are not able to swim. One day, sitting on the edge of the puddle, she hears a frog crying. The frog is very sad and tells her that her friend, Alejo the crayfish, has gone and she doesn’t know where he is. The hen, also sad, explains to the frog that she is not able to swim. The frog proposes to help her look for Alejo the crayfish. If she manages to find him and bring him back to the puddle, she will teach her how to swim. The fantastic trip of Marcelina the hen in her search for Alejo the crafish covers the popular songs for children such as “El señor don Gato”, “Pimpon”, “Cu cu, cantaba la rana”, “Eres alta y delgada”, “A coger el trébole”, or “La chata Merengüela”.

Through this tale they will teach the children from 4 to 10 years old traditional popular songs. This way, we can help our children to not forget their parent’s and grandparent’s songs.


Click here if you would like to know more about the show.



Funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU
Project financed by INAEM, Ministry of Culture and Sports